H’Art for the Soul
Art That Heals
H’Art for the Soul
Art That Heals
Signed in as:
Art That Heals
Art That Heals
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all time this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist in any other medium and will be lost.”
~Martha Graham
Eristic Art. Is it art? What is art?
Is it a visual and sensory playground for the soul?
Does it move You? Can it heal You?
Choose an original work from my online store or
Commission a unique piece of your own starting at $60
My Gallery section shows most of my work.
Check out my instagram page as well.
Painting, for me, is the most freeing form of expression. Welcome to my virtual studio and a peek into my creative world.
100 East Ruby Street, Tavares, FL
Live Art Show | Art Vendors | Music | Interactive Art Experience | Performing Arts. Stop by and visit me at my booth!
100 East Ruby Street, Tavares, FL
100 East Ruby Street, Tavares, FL
Live Art Show | Art Vendors | Music | Interactive Art Experience | Performing Arts. Stop by and visit me at my booth!
100 East Ruby Street, Tavares, FL
100 East Ruby Street, Tavares, FL
Live Art Show | Art Vendors | Music | Interactive Art Experience | Performing Arts. Stop by and visit me at my booth!
100 East Ruby Street, Tavares, FL
To contact me directly, call or text
Four Zero Seven 415-3311